Why Is Recycling Important?

Compiling A Bottled Water

Recycling is a great way for homeowners to do their bit for the environment and can be incorporated into their daily routines with relative ease. However, knowing what can be recycled and what bins different waste should go into can be a bit confusing. Getting this right is important because if waste becomes contaminated, what was once recyclable may have to be sent to landfill instead. Below, we explain what CAN be recycled.

Items That CAN Be Recycled

While the specific items that you can recycle will depend on where you live, the items listed below can usually be disposed of in the yellow-lid recycling bins provided by your local council.

  • Paper – including magazines, newspapers, office paper and junk mail
  • Cardboard
  • Juice and milk cartons
  • Steel (tin) and aluminium cans
  • Empty aerosols such as deodorant bottles
  • Green, clear and brown glass bottles and jars
  • All hard, plastic bottles and containers – no lids allowed!

Before you put any of this waste into your recycling bin, take a look at these tips:

  • Don’t tie recyclables up in plastic bags – place all items loosely in the bin
  • Give jars and bottles a rinse before placing them in the recycling bin
  • Ensure lids are taken off jars and bottles (place these in the general waste bin, which has a red lid)

What Else Can I Recycle?

Of course, the possibilities don’t end there. There are actually many other items that can be recycled, they just require alternative ways of disposal. So, if you’ve ever wondered how to dispose of your old microwave, smartphones or clothes, take a look at the list below:

  • Batteries (including lead acid): Lead acid batteries are 98% recyclable but can be hazardous if not handled correctly. You can contact your local council for information or there are drop-off points at Aldi, Battery World and more.
  • Soft plastics: These can go in REDcycle bins found in most Coles and Woolworths stores.
  • Mobile phones: There are numerous mobile phone recycling programs to drop these off at, for example, Mobile Muster.
  • Clothing: Clothing that is still useable is best donated to your local charity shop, for example, the Salvation Army.
  • Scrap Metal: Anything Environmental is happy to take any scrap metal waste off your hands, offering both home and commercial collections in Mackay, Airlie Beach and Proserpine. Alternatively, you can use one of our drop-and-go bins.

Contact Anything Environmental Today

For more tips on helping the environment via recycling, or if you want to expand your recycling knowledge even further, contact us at Anything Environmental. Do your bit to save the planet today!